New Employees

All new employees at KGBSD will receive information regarding benefits during new hire orientation.

Should a new employee choose not to enroll in the District's health insurance plan within the initial 30-day enrollment period, the next opportunity will be during the open enrollment which runs from August 15th through September 30th of each year. We do offer an exception for changes based on qualifying life events (change in marital status, births, dependent status, etc.).

Health Resources & Benefits

The Ketchikan School District is happy to offer comprehensive and competitive benefits to its employees. Our goal is to allow all of our employees the benefits and options that fit the needs of their families.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact: Renee Oyedeji, Payroll & Benefits Tech (907) 247-2131 or

Healthy Merits Wellness Program

To get started, simply create an account at Healthy Merits. Enter your information as it is appears on your medical ID Card.

Annual Insurance Internal Service Fund Report

Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District health insurance is available to all eligible district employees. The health insurance program offered to Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District employees is a partially self-insured program pooled with the Ketchikan Gateway Borough employees. A 1999 agreement established that the Ketchikan Gateway Borough and the Ketchikan School District would capitalize on the mutual benefits of pooling for the health insurance program. Both health insurance plans are primarily funded by premiums from employees and contributions from the district, along with stop loss insurance that protects pool users against the cost of large claims. These funds are deposited into the district’s insurance reserve fund held by the Ketchikan Gateway Borough to pay out a plan member’s medical, dental, and vision expenses, minus the employees’ deductibles and co-pays. As of 1999, health insurance pool financial details can be found in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Internal Service Fund (aka Health Insurance Reserve Fund), showing the individual accounting of the school district and borough accounts. More information on the Borough and the District’s partially self-insured health insurance pool can be found below, including a Self-Funded Insurance 101 presentation.

View current and past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports

Internal Service Fund Reports detailing the insurance activity of the Ketchikan School District can be found below.