Ketchikan Native Education Parent Committee

The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District receives federal grant funds from the Indian Education Act program. Those funds have primarily been used in the past to provide for two district preschools for Native students. (Those preschools are currently located at the Pioneers' Home and at Fawn Mountain Elementary.)

The federal Office of Indian Education bases its determination of grant funds on the number of Indian and Alaska Native children enrolled in the school district. However, the enrollment numbers must be backed up by a Title VI student eligibility form ED 506 for each of those students. We encourage parents of Alaska Native and Indian children to fill out this form upon registering their child for school. The form becomes part of the child's school record and does not need to be filled out every year. If your child is Alaska Native or American Indian and you haven't yet filled out one of these forms, you may do so at any time and provide it to the school.

KNEPC Board Members
  • Amber Williams-Baldwin, Parent/Family Member

  • Sharyl Yeisley, Parent/Family Member

  • Sara Weston, Parent/Family Member

  • Sean Weston, Student Representative

  • Norman Skan, KIC Representative

  • ---, Saxman IRA Representative

  • Starla Agoney, Teacher Representative, Secretary

  • Natasha Kapralova, Parent/Family Member, Vice-Chair

  • Lisa Milne-DeWitt, Parent/Family Member, Chair