
Welcome to our Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) webpage, our home for a comprehensive and collaborative framework for addressing the diverse needs of every learner.

In Ketchikan's schools, we provide support for students in the areas they need it, whether that is Academic, Social/Behavioral, Mental Health, or encouraging strong Attendance.

If you are a family member and believe your child could benefit from these added services, please contact your child's teacher or the school's principal to begin the process.

District Educators will find added materials and resources in the Staff Resources box (login required).

If you would like more information on our district's mental health services, provided by the RISE Team, see the area below

Staff Members

RISE stand for Resilience in Supportive Education. We are here to provide clinical mental health services to students across all of Ketchikan. Made up of social workers and other mental health professionals, our goal:

To provide a large increase of mental health supports directly in our schools using clinically-valid and research-based methods, targeting our student population that has such a great need.

If you are a family member and believe your child would benefits from our services, contact your child's classroom teacher or the school's principal to begin the process. You can find the consent for services form here.

If you are a community provider and would like to make a referral, you can do so using this form.