Request for Proposals for - Audit Services

The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District is soliciting proposals for audit services for a three (3) year period. The contract period begins with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, and extends through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026. The enclosed “Request for Proposal” outlines the scope of the engagement, the information required, evaluation criteria, and other relevant information.

View Proposal

Substitute Teachers Wanted

Substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, custodians, and office staff are always in demand. If you are interested in becoming a substitute please complete and submit the attached application. You can submit the application electronically by attaching the application to an email or you can submit a hard copy to Human Resources. If you have any questions, please call Human Resources at 247-2113.

Becoming a substitute with KGBSD requires an interview and background check.

  • $120 a full day (Without a four year degree)

  • $140 a full day (With a four year degree)

  • $170 a full day (With a State of Alaska Certification)

*High school diploma or GED required

Call 907-247-2113

Substitute Application