How Do I set up for automatic e-mail notifications within my Parent Account?

For instructions on how to add a student to your account, please view the Adding Student to Parent PowerSchool Account Video. This video will walk you through signing into your account, going to account "Account Preferences" finding the student tab, and in the upper right-hand corner "Add a Student."

How often can we expect grades to be updated?

Many factors determine how soon a teacher can assess and return assignments. Essays, research papers, and tests take longer to grade than a quiz. Coaching, club sponsorships, and family commitments can also affect turnaround time, as well as a teacher's student load. All teachers do their best to grade their students and communicate their progress promptly.

Can other people see my son’s/daughter’s grades?

As long as you protect your password, others will not be able to see your information.

Do all teachers post grade and attendance information to the PowerSchool server?

Not all schools post grades, all do post attendance. Attendance is posted by teachers and by the office. Some teachers assign and post grades to PowerSchool at different times. Some may give grades to their students every day and some may provide far fewer grades during the marking periods. This is up to each teacher and depends upon their grading system. If you see grades in PowerSchool for some teachers but not others, this is a normal function of the way teachers assign and post grades. As always you may contact teachers by e-mail or request a phone call or meeting at any time.

What is PowerSchool and How do I get my student's Information to Sign on?

PowerSchool is a student information system that allows us to manage a wide range of information that may include the following: grades, attendance, tests, demographics, activities, courses, and photos. Because the program has been designed using Internet-based software tools, it also allows us to connect parents and students to information. Your school's office may give you the instructions and access codes you need to create your new account or if you have any questions please contact the PowerSchool administrator Chad Jacks at